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The tree of yoga yoga Vrksa之二



like camphor becoming one with the flame , the mind gets absorbed in the flame of the soul. this is the culmination of hathayoga, the text tells us that union of the mind with the soul is hatha yoga, raja yoga is also the union of the mind with the soul, so there is no difference between the two , yoga is one.


    to practise yoga is thus to unite the body with the mind . for the cultured person itis also to unite the mind with the intelligence and for the still more highly cultured person it is to unite the body, mind and intelligence with the depth of the soul.

    yoga is traditionally divided into eight limbs or aspects , called yama , niyama , asana, pranayama, pratyahara , dharana, dhyana and samadhi. if you are not familiar with these terms , this long list may seem rather daunitng at first . in the coures of this book, you will gradually become familiar with these concepts and the Sanskrit words will not be a barrier to your  understanding.



     yoga can also be seen as having three tiers, external ,internal nd innermost , or physical ,mental and spiritual. thus the eight limbs of yoga can be divided into three groups. yama nad niyama are the social and individual ethical disciplines. asana , pranayama and pratyahara lead to the evolution of the individual , to the understanding of the self , dharana, dhyana and samadhi are the effects of yoga which bring teh experience of the sight of the soul . but they are not as such part of its practice.

       瑜伽也可分为三类,内在的,外面的,中间层的,也就是精神上,灵魂的,肉体的.所以,八支就可分为三个层面的练习. 禁制和遵行就是社会和个人的道德准则.体位,呼吸和收敛感官就是引导个体的解放.去明了自我.专注,冥想和三摩地就是在灵魂层面上的瑜伽的作用体现.但不是练习的一部分.

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