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The tree of yoga yoga Vrksa之一



Those who approach yoga intellectually say tht raja-yoga is spiritual and hatha -yoga merely physical. this is a tremendous misconception. as all paths lead towards the source , hatha-yoga too takes one towards the sight of the soul . how many of those who make this distinction between hatha-yoga and raja-yoga have made a thorough study of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika or other ancient texts on hatha-yoga?and how many have thoroughly read Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, which are the principal source for raja -yogga?do they know that the last chapter of teh Hatha Yoga Pradipika is called Samadhi Pada and speaks of the state of samadhi, or union with teh surpreme Spirit?and what is the culmination of raja-yoga?it is also samadhi. so where is teh difference between the two?

       关于修习者说王瑜伽是精神方面的,而哈他瑜伽是身体体能方面的说法,是个很大的误解。万众归源,哈他也是进行灵性修为的一种方法。有多少人能够学习过哈他瑜伽之光或其它古老的哈他瑜伽文章的人还会有这种在王瑜伽和哈他瑜伽之光后,还有这种误解的。有多少人读过瑜伽经,这本讲王瑜伽的主要精髓的书,他们知道哈他瑜伽之光 最后一个章节讲的是三摩地的状态,或者是至尊神性的结合,而王瑜伽的最后,也是三摩地,难道二者之间有区别吗?

    if you give a liitle psychological thought rather than physiological thought to the word "hatha,"you will learn more of whether hatha-yoga is physical or spiritual . 'ha'means sun, which is the sun of your body, that is to say you soul, and 'tha' means moon, which is your consciousness.  the energy of never fades , whereas the moon fades every month and again from fading comes to fullness. so t sun in all of us, which is our soul , never fades , whereas  the mind or consciousness, which draws its energy form the soul, has fluctuations, modulations, moods ,ups and sowns like the phases of the moon; it is like quicksilver, and as quicksilver cannot be caught by the hand, so we cannot easily catch hold of the mind.yet when consciousness and the body are brought into union whith one another, the energy of consciousness is still, consciusness too is still, and the soul pervaeds teh entire body.

       如果你不在生理学方面,而是在心理学的意思 上去探求的话,HATHA一词,你会学到哈他瑜伽在精神或着身体方面更多的东西。HA的意思是太阳,也就是身体的太阳,讲的是灵魂。THA的意思是月亮,也就是意识,从不消逝的能量,不管月亮的圆缺,也就是思维和意识,他们获得能量的源泉就是灵魂。当然,意识会有波动,起伏,就像月亮一样,或者像水银,不可能被手抓得住。所以,我们不可能轻易就能抓得住思维,但当思维和身体相互连接时。那意识就能平静,那意识平静后,则灵魂和身体就能合一。

    The Hatha Yoga pradipika says that yoga is 'prana-vritti-nirodha'-stilling teh flucuations of the breath.Patanjali's Yoga Sutras say that yoga is 'chitta-vritti-nirodha'-stilling the fluctuations of the mind.the mind can go in many directions in a split second. its movements are very fast and varied. but it cannot multiply like the mind. According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika , controlling the breath and obsering is rhythm brings the consciousness to stillness. Thus , though the Hatha Yoga Pradipika begins with the control of prana, breath or energy, and Patanjali Yoga Sutras begin with the control of consciousness. yet they meet a certain point and there is ultimately no differnce between them. by controlling the breath you are controlling consciousness, and by ontrolling consciousness you bring rhythm to the breath.

      哈他瑜伽之光 中说,呼吸控制是转换意识的流动。而帕坦加利瑜伽经中说,瑜伽是转换意识。由于波动,在一秒钟内,意识会去到处游离。而且运动轨迹十分快且多样。呼吸不可能像思维那样波动。根据哈他瑜伽之光


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