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The tree of yoga yoga Vrksa 瑜伽之根之一



 Yoga means union.the union of the individual soul with the Universal Spirit is yoga. but this is too abstract a notion to easily understand , so for our level of understanding I say that yoga is the union of body with the mind and of mind with the soul.

    Ninety per cent of us ard suffering in some way,physically, mentally or spiritually. the scicence of yoga helps us to keep the body as a temple so that is becomes as clean as the soul. the body is lazy , the mind is vibrant and the soul is luminous. Yogic practices develop the body to the level of the vibant mind so that the body and the mind , having both become vibant , are drawn towards the light of the soul.

    philosophers , saints and sages tell us that there are various paths by which we can reach the ultimate goal, the sight of the soul . the science of mind is alll raja-yoga, the science of intelligence is jnana-yoga,teh science of duty is kare -yoga, and the science of will is hatha ygoa. for the authors of the ancient texts , these names were like the keys on the a keyboard. the keyboard has many keys but the musice is one . similarly , there are many words by which individuals express theirparticular ways of approaching yoga and the particular paths through which they reach the culmination of their art , but yoga is one, just as God is one though in differet coutries people call Him by different names


       芸芸众生中,大多数人都在受着或是身体的,或是生理的 或是精神的痛苦。而瑜伽的技术就能保持我们灵魂的健康,就像去保持一个庙宇的洁净一样。若身体倦怠,则思维就会波动不安,从而精神也就不安定。而瑜伽的练习就能使思维的振动与身体的振动相对应,从而让不安定的精神也安定下来。

       学术上来讲,圣人和先人们告诉我们,要达精神的最终目的,也就是对灵魂的自我认知有很多条道路。一条道路是RAJA瑜伽,是思维的科学。 智力的道路中JNANA瑜伽。 行动的道路就是业瑜伽。意志力的科学就是HATHA瑜伽。对于古代的学者来说, 这些瑜伽名字就如同钢琴上的按键,虽然钢琴上有不同的按键,但曲子只有一首。狭义来讲,瑜伽只有一个,只是每个个体通向这个巅峰的路是不同的,每个人采用的方法也是不同的而己。就如同世界上的神只有一个,而世界各地的人们叫它的名字是不一样的一样。

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