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Geeta Iyengar ——瑜伽与经期调理



Which are the asanas and paranayamas to be avoided?


One should avoid Inversions (viparita sthitti), such as Adho Mukha Vriksasana, arm-balancings like Bakasana (bhujatalan sthitti), backward extensions (purva pratana sthitti) such as Urdhva Dhanurasana, Kapotasana and the body knottings (grantha sthitti), such as Yoganidrasana, Ek Pada Sirsasana and abdominal contraction (udara akunchana sthitti) such as Navasana and Jathara Parivatasana.

需要避免的瑜伽体式有: 倒立姿势如手倒立, 手臂平衡姿势如鹤禅式, 后弯姿势如上轮式和鸽王式, 扭转姿势如Yoganidrasana, Ek Pada Sirsasana(这两个没有查到), 腹部收缩姿势如船式和鳄鱼式..

One should avoid pranayama in sitting asana. Even if done it should not be for longer than fifteen minutes. Avoid Antara and Bahaya Kumbhakas, Uddiyana and Mula Bandhas, Bhastrika, Kapalabhati and Mahamudra.

需要避免坐姿的调息法. 如果一定要做的话, 请控制在十五分钟以内. 避免内外悬息, 收腹和会阴收束法, 风箱式呼吸法, 圣光和昏眩式调息.

Why shouldn't we do inversions (viparita sthitti) during the period?


During menstruation if one does inversions the blood flow will be arrested. Those who tried to do out of enthusiasm or callousness will have noticed that the flow stops abruptly. This is certainly not good for health since it may lead to fibroids, cysts, endometriosis and cancer, damaging the system.

倒立姿势会让经血滞留在身体里..那些无视规则的狂热练习者会出现经血流动的骤停情况. 勿庸置疑地这会损害我们的健康并导致子宫纤维瘤, 囊肿, 子宫内膜异位症和癌症, 破坏身体的平衡状态.

According to ayurveda, what ever has to be thrown out should be thrown out and not retained or held in. You cannot hold urine, faeces, phlegm, mucus etc, inside as they are substances that have to be thrown out. These are called as mala - the waste, which need to be excreted. If they are retained within they invite all diseases.

在印度传统医学的理念中, 终归要被排出体外的东西就不能滞留在身体里. 你不能把大小便, 痰和鼻涕控制在身体里因为它们是终归要被排出体外的物质. 这些东西统称为身体垃圾, 是必须要被排泄掉的.继续留存在身体里只能导致疾病的发生.

During menstruation one has to lessen physical exertion including walking, dancing or heavy house-hold work. The body demands rest and relaxation and one needs to provide that.
行经期间, 必须削减会导致体力消耗的活动, 如: 长途步行, 跳舞或是繁重的家务劳动. 此时你需要提供给身体必要的休息和放松.


The inversions have their own characteristics. This category of asana arrest the menstrual flow and when done during pregnancy they hold the foetus safely and healthily. For those who have frequent miscarriage these asanas prove to be a boon. Those who prolong their periods for more than fifteen days, it is permissible for them to begin to do the inversions after twelve days though they have continuous flow. The inversions will arrest the bleeding. Obviously one has to know the cause behind such prolonged and heavy flows and treat that disease with other asanas during the days of non-period. Yet, that the flow can be checked is a fact. If a woman gets periods during ovulation, the inversions are administered like medicine.

倒立体式也有它们另外的功效. 这类体式会阻止经血的流动, 所以在孕期练习也会有安胎的效果. 有习惯性流产的女性练习这类动作会非常的受用. 行经期超过十五天的女性, 可以在经血不止的经期第十二天开始使用此类姿势止血. 但是属于这种情况的女性必须了解经期延长和经血过量的成因并在非经期采用其他体式改善这种情况. 毫无疑问, 此类体式可以止经血. 如出现在排卵期行经的状况, 倒立体式无疑是一剂良药.

After the menstrual cycle gets over begin the practice of asanas with inversions, as they are great healers as far as the reproductive system is concerned. They quickly bring a hormonal balance.
If this background, as far as the effects of inversions are concerned are known, one need not doubt about their omission during the periods. Still, due to obstinacy and rigidity, if one forces oneself to do one may have to pay heavily later if not immediately. The flow has to stop completely before one can resume the practice of inversion. The question is not of three days or four days. As soon as the flow stops, begin with the practise of inversions. Do not go suddenly for standing poses, back-bendings, balancings etc,. Remember that you have just delivered the unborn baby, since the menstruation is called as the funeral of the unborn baby.

倒立体式对生殖系统有非常好的促进作用, 所以经期结束后可以即刻恢复练习, 它们可以非常迅速的将荷尔蒙带到平衡的状态. 基于这个功效和先前对倒立体式的介绍, 大家应该能够更加清楚地认识到为什么此类体式是要避免在经期练习的了. 我们固执地认为, 如果你强求自己的身体去练习, 你的身体就要为此付出巨大的代价, 这只不过是时间的问题罢了. 不要刻意强调是在经期的第几天可以练习倒立, 只要你的经血完全停止了你就可以开始练习. 记住不要在停经后马上开始强度较大的站立, 后弯和平衡的体式, 经血也被称为未出生婴儿的葬礼, 记住你的身体才刚刚经历这个过程..

                                                                                      Geeta S. Iyengar

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