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There are many training courses on the coaching of students asked me,"teacher,we practice difficult asana,later very hard to use,have use?"I always answer them with two questions:"what is a asana?""the ultimate goal of practicing yoga is that?"If u understand these two issues,then u will understand the difficult asana of a really good yoga teacher for what it means.

Yoga in the asana of the definition given to it simply must have three conditions:persist for some time;feel comfortable;must be specified in yoga posture.

Some people say,ah,we practice yoga only for simple bodily and there are no pursuit.If u insist on this plain to practicing yoga,that's understandable,but to truly love yoga,meaning people who know yoga,this is not enough.

We all know that to maintain the long term health of the body,must have some flexibility.Difficult asana to the benefits of both our body can make u a good all round flexibility,there is no problem,so that when through the difficult asana of refinement,the preparation for the next meditation.For example,when u into yoga meditation,10minutes after the start of ur knee pain,and 15 minutes after the start of ur back pain,imagine u can focus with no distractions of the world into meditation it?But if ur body conditioning and flexibility to the best of the state has been able to assist u long into the meditative state,it can be more close to the target depth of yoga.

Of couse,in my view,difficult asana in addition to this important role,from another perspective,as a good yoga teacher,first u have to practice so hard ur asana,understand the process of doing where phase will start stretching,pain,have their own feelings later,in the course can teach students fully appreciate the true feelings of the students,guiding them with confidence what to do,not what it should do,what to do as soon as possible advancement,what to do to avoid injury.You should know that yoga is only through yoga by the injury to conditioning back,no doctors are unprepared for.This yoga ancient books has a very clear explanation.

In the difficult asana of the exercise,not to say that u can do a few difficult asana,but rather to be flexible parts of the body,shoulders,waist,back,arm,thigh,knee,ankle,etc,to the forword band,backword band,side,can basically be called the body's flexibility.

Practice the process is to uphold,not only means that this insistence on the persistence of time,but that u are doing a asana of the time,if felt a little pain,please adhere to this posture for some time,so that full ligament streching,and resolutely put an end to sudden extension,or sudden external pressure,not only prone to injury,and is not conducive to maintaining long term flexibility.

In short,difficult asana in a good yoga teacher  very important thing.Of course,there are other important things,Talk about Later..............

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