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Once you find proper alignment in Tadasana, you'll balance with ease in Headstand.


By Roger Cole



 Can you complete the following sentence? "A good Salamba Sirsasana (Supported Headstand) is like (a) a banana, (b) a jackknife, (c) a leaning tower, (d) a tall, elegant spire." The answer is obviously d, but what if the sentence is instead, "My Headstand is like..."? For a lot of people, the answer is "I don't know." After all, you can't see your own body when you're standing on your head, so unless you have outside help, you have to use internal sensations from your muscles, tendons, and joints in order to line yourself up in the pose. But when you learn where to direct your attention, it is remarkably easy to avoid common mistakes such as arching back too far into the infamous banana shape, bending forward at the hips and creating the jackknife, or tilting your entire body forward or backward, making you the Leaning Tower of Headstand. With just a little practice, you can feel your way into near-perfect Headstand alignment.

你可以给下面的句子填空么?“一个好的头倒立像_______。” a. 香蕉;b. 镰刀;c. 斜塔;d. 又高又优雅的尖塔。



When you find your line in Headstand, it's a beautiful thing. Your bone structure naturally supports you, and the pose feels light, easy, quiet, and rejuvenating. You still use your muscles, but only for the relatively undemanding task of keeping your bones stacked vertically on one another. When you are out of line in Headstand, on the other hand, the pose becomes a tense, wobbly, fatiguing struggle against gravity in which your muscles bear too much of your weight and must grip constantly to prevent collapse. So it's well worth your while to put in the minimal investment of time and effort it takes to learn good Headstand alignment.



Start at the Mountain


A tried-and-true technique for finding your alignment upside down is to start right side up, in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). If you learn to create a straight vertical line in Tadasana by cuing in to internal sensations rather than relying on external feedback, you can re-create the experience in Headstand. Three alignment techniques in Tadasana are particularly helpful. They are (1) neutralizing your pelvic tilt and lumbar curve, (2) neutralizing the front-to-back placement of your pelvis (meaning, don't push your hips too far forward or too far back), and (3) aligning your whole body with gravity.


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