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两个缓解肩膀疼痛的瑜伽体式-- 弓式、小狗伸展式



        瑜伽会馆的不少会员,由于平时长期坐公室缺乏运动或平时不注意,都有肩周炎、肩肌劳损等或多或少的肩膀方面的不适和病痛。在此,我们特别介绍两种瑜伽体式 -- 弓式和小狗伸展式,经常练习不仅能够帮助缓解肩膀疼,而且能够开扩及灵活双肩,从而彻底根除肩膀的病症。

Many of Funpool Yoga memebers suffer from various illness of the shoulders because of long sitting in the office。So we recommend two yoga poses - Bow Pose & Extended Puppy Pose, frequent practice will relieve the pains on the shoulders,and also extend and make the shoulders more flaxbile,finally to eradicate the illness on our shoulders. 

  • BOW POSE 弓式(Dhanurasana) 两个缓解肩膀疼痛的瑜伽体式-- <wbr>弓式、小狗伸展式

This pose is so called because it looks like an archer's bow, the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string.


       Step by Step 练习步骤

  1. Lie on your belly with your hands alongside your torso, palms up. (You can lie on a folded blanket to pad the front of your torso and legs.) Exhale and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close as you can to your buttocks. Reach back with your hands and take hold of your ankles (but not the tops of the feet). Make sure your knees aren't wider than the width of your hips, and keep your knees as hip width for the duration of the pose. 身体俯卧在垫子上,将双手放于身体两旁,双掌向上。(你也可以卧在折叠起来的毯子上将上半身及腿部垫高)呼气,弯曲膝盖,抬起双腿并尽可能地使脚跟靠近臀部。双手向后抓住整个脚踝(不是前脚掌)。注意你的膝盖不能宽于臀部,在整个体式练习过程中始终保持膝盖与臀部同宽。
  2. Inhale and strongly lift your heels away from your buttocks and, at the same time, lift your thighs away from the floor. This will have the effect of pulling your upper torso and head off the floor. Burrow the tailbone down toward the floor, and keep your back muscles soft. As you continue lifting the heels and thighs higher, press your shoulder blades firmly against your back to open your heart. Draw the tops of the shoulders away from your ears. Gaze forward. 吸气,用力将脚踝抬离臀部,同时将大腿抬离地面。这个动作会拉动你身体的上半部和头抬离垫面。将尾椎骨尽量靠向地板方向以使背部肌肉保持柔软。随着不断地向上拉高脚踝和大腿,肩胛骨会被紧紧地推向背部并使胸腔得以扩张。拉伸肩膀使之远离双耳,眼光凝视前方。
  3. With the belly pressed against the floor, breathing will be difficult. Breathe more into the back of your torso, and be sure not to stop breathing. 随着腹部挤压地面,呼吸会变得困难。尽量吸气到身体的背部,记住一定要保持呼吸。
  4. Stay in this pose anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds. Release as you exhale, and lie quietly for a few breaths. You can repeat the pose once or twice more.保持此姿势20至30秒钟,呼气时放松身体,静静地躺在垫子上,用呼吸来调整,然后可以重复此姿势一至两次。
  • Extended Puppy Pose小狗伸展式(Uttana Shishosana)两个缓解肩膀疼痛的瑜伽体式-- <wbr>弓式、小狗伸展式

A cross between child's pose and  Downward Facing Pose.This pose lengthens the spine and clams the minds.一个结合了婴儿式和下犬式的体式。这个体式能够伸展脊柱并使头脑清醒。

       Step by Step 练习步骤

  1. Come onto all fours. See that your shoulders are above your wrists and your hips are above your knees. Walk your hands forward a few inches and curl your toes under.将四肢呈四脚板凳状平放在垫子上,双肩在手腕上方,臀部在膝盖上方。将双手慢慢向前移动,脚背放平。
  2. As you exhale, move your buttocks halfway back toward your heels. Keep your arms active, don't let your elbows touch the ground. 呼气时,将臀部慢慢地放回到脚跟上,不要全部坐回,只坐回一半即可。继续保持手臂的延展,不要将手肘放在地面上。
  3. Drop your forehead to the floor or to a blanket and let your neck relax. Keep a slight curve in your lower back. To feel a nice long stretch in your spine, press the hands down and stretch through the arms while pulling your hips back toward your heels. 将前额放在地面上或毯子上,放松颈部。下背部保持轻微的弯曲。去感觉你的脊椎正在经历一个长长的,舒适的伸展。手往下按,拉抻胳膊的同时往脚跟方向拉伸臀部。
  4. Breathe into your back, feeling the spine lengthen in both directions. Hold for 30 seconds to a minute, then release your buttocks down onto your heels. 呼气到身体的背部,感受脊椎同时在两个方向上的拉伸延展,保持30秒至1分钟,然后慢慢地将臀部放回至脚跟。

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