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Richard Freeman教你呼吸和收束


下面是著名的阿斯汤加瑜伽老师richard freeman的一段对于呼吸和收束的指导


Hello,I’m rechard freeman,I’d like to introduce you the internal practice of ashtanga yoga.

你好,我是richard freeman,我来给大家介绍一下阿斯汤加瑜伽的内在练习部分

A primary tool during the practice is the breath..when you whisper the sound is soft and aspirant.. As we breath during these postures we will make the same soft pleasant aspirant sound with the lips closed. ----…the sound of the inhale and the sound of exhale should be the same. To keep the sound of the breath even until we allow the access of our awareness to the core of our body.


 we will also practice the soft steady gazing with the eyes. the eyes will be directed towards the different external or internal points without intention eager or strenghth. It would be a friendly gaze accompanied by a soft internal smile which will open and relax the back of the palate.This opening of the back of the palate would allow movement of the breathing to drop down to the floor of pelvic of the perineum. This will cause a gradual awaking and toning of the muscles which connect and calcis to the pubic bone.


As we beging we will use the toning along these perineum muscles to keep the rising spreading movment of the inhale grounded which we called mular or root of the body at the center of the pelvic floor.


 Here’s how to do it


 Listening to the pleasant asprint sound of the breath,finish the exhale,and feel the perineum tone. As the inhale begins draw the lower bally right above the pubic bones slightly back,  during the whole inhale imagine that you are draw a thin tread up from the center of the perineum about an inch keep the soft palate open as you draw on this perineum thread with the breathing movement.also release the pubic bone and the calcis down at the same time


Inhaling this way feels the whole torse evenly up to the collarbones. When exhaling smoothly just keep the center of the heart area open all the way through..all the movements and poses we will do are based on and support this interal breathing process


watch these few postures are important tips before we begin to practise


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